Berikut ini adalah peringkat dan daftar universitas terbaik di Inggris (United Kingdom/UK).  Semua universitas di Inggris ini masuk dalam Top 500 universitas terbaik di dunia, berdasarkan sumber tiga organisasi terkemuka di dunia, Arwu '14, QS '15 dan THE '15, serta ditambah dengan US News 2015.

Peringkat Inggris sebagai negara dengan universitas kelas dunia menduduki urutan ke-2, di bawah Amerika.  Walaupun Inggris negara urutan ke-2, namun jumlah universitas di Inggris yang masuk Top 100 dan Top 200 dua kali lipat dari negara urutan dibawahnya seperti Australia, Jerman, Belanda dan Kanada.  (lihat selengkapnya di Peringkat negara dengan universitas kelas dunia).

Dua universitas di Inggris yang populer adalah University of Oxford, dan University of Cambridge.  Kedua universitas ini mampu menyusup di posisi 5 besar (Top 5) mengimbangi dominasi Amerika Serikat.  Oxford dan Cambridge sekaligus menjadi universitas di eropa nomor 1 dan dua.

Universitas di Inggris yang masuk Top 500 dari US News dan (Arwu, QS, THE) dapat dilihat pada dua buah tabel di bawah ini.

Tabel Universitas Terbaik di Inggris di Peringkat Dunia (US News)
Peringkat Lokal & Universitas Lokasi Universitas di Inggris world rank
1. University of Oxford Oxford, Inggris 5
2. University of Cambridge Cambridge, Inggris 6
3. Imperial College London London, Inggris 12
4. University College London London, Inggris 21
5. University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland, Inggris 40
6. University of Manchester Manchester, Inggris 49
7. King's College London London, Inggris 61
8. University of Bristol Bristol, Inggris 82
9. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine London, Inggris 91
10. University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, Inggris 112
11. University of Birmingham Birmingham, Inggris 121
12. University of Leeds Leeds, Inggris 131
13. University of Southampton Southampton, Inggris 133
14. University of Sheffield Sheffield, Inggris 138
15. University of Liverpool Liverpool, Inggris 150
16. University of Nottingham Nottingham, Inggris 152
17. Queen Mary University of London London, Inggris 159
18. University of Warwick Coventry, Inggris 182
19. Cardiff University Cardiff, Wales, Inggris 188
20. Durham University  Durham, Durham, Inggris 188
21. Newcastle University  Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, Inggris 194
22. University of St Andrews  Fife, Scotland, Inggris 208
23. Lancaster University  Lancaster, Inggris 229
24. University of Aberdeen  Aberdeen, Scotland, Inggris 244
25. University of Exeter  Exeter, Devon, Inggris 250
26. University of Leicester  Leicester, Inggris 254
27. University of York  York, Inggris 259
28. University of East Anglia  Norwich, Inggris 274
29. University of Sussex  Brighton, Inggris 274
30. University of Reading  Reading, Berkshire, Inggris 301
31. Queen's University Belfast  Belfast, Northern Ireland, Inggris 312
32. London School of Economics and Political Science  London, Inggris 328
33. University of Dundee  Dundee, Scotland, Inggris 328
34. University of Bath  Bath, Inggris 409
35. Brunel University  Uxbridge, Middlesex, Inggris 426
36. University of Surrey  Surrey, Inggris 458
37. University of Surrey  Surrey, Inggris 458
38. Loughborough University  Loughborough, Leicestershire, Inggris 470
39. University of Strathclyde  Glasgow, Scotland, Inggris 496

Tabel Universitas di Inggris di Peringkat Dunia (Arwu, QS, dan THE)

5 University of Cambridge 2 University of Cambridge 3 University of Oxford
9 University of Oxford 2 Imperial College London 5 University of Cambridge
20 University College London 5 University of Oxford 9 Imperial College London
22 The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine 5 UCL (University College London) 22 University College London (UCL)
38 The University of Manchester 16 King's College London (KCL) 34 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
45 The University of Edinburgh 17 University of Edinburgh 36 University of Edinburgh
59 King's College London 29 University of Bristol 40 King's College London
63 University of Bristol 30 The University of Manchester 52 University of Manchester
101-150 Cardiff University 55 University of Glasgow 74 University of Bristol
101-150 London School of Economics and Political Science 61 The University of Warwick 83 Durham University
101-150 The University of Glasgow 64 University of Birmingham 94 University of Glasgow
101-150 The University of Sheffield 69 The University of Sheffield 103 University of Warwick
101-150 University of Birmingham 71 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 107 Queen Mary University of London
101-150 University of Leeds 77 The University of Nottingham 111 University of St Andrews
101-150 University of Liverpool 88 University of St Andrews 111 University of Sussex
101-150 University of Nottingham 92 Durham University 113 University of York
101-150 University of Southampton 94 University of Southampton 118 Royal Holloway, University of London
151-200 University of East Anglia 97 University of Leeds 121 University of Sheffield
151-200 University of Sussex 98 Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) 131 Lancaster University
151-200 University of Warwick 120 University of York 132 University of Southampton
201-300 Durham University 123 Cardiff University 146 University of Leeds
201-300 Newcastle University 123 University of Liverpool 148 University of Birmingham
201-300 Queen Mary, University of London 127 Newcastle University 154 University of Exeter
201-300 The University of Dundee 137 University of Aberdeen 157 University of Liverpool
201-300 University of Aberdeen 160 Lancaster University 171 University of Nottingham
201-300 University of Exeter 161 The University of Exeter 178 University of Aberdeen
201-300 University of Leicester 170 Queen's University of Belfast 196 St George's, University of London
201-300 University of St Andrews 179 University of Bath 198 University of East Anglia
201-300 University of York 200 University of Sussex 199 University of Leicester
301-400 Lancaster University 202 University of Reading 201-225 Cardiff University
301-400 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 211 University of Leicester 201-225 Newcastle University
301-400 Queen's University Belfast 230 University of Dundee 201-225 University of Dundee
301-400 The University of Reading 240 University of East Anglia (UEA) 201-225 University of Reading
401-500 Brunel University 246 University of Strathclyde 226-250 Birkbeck, University of London
401-500 The Open University 265 Loughborough University 226-250 Brunel University London
401-500 University of Bath 275 Royal Holloway University of London 251-275 Queen's University Belfast
401-500 University of Essex 314 University of Surrey 276-300 Plymouth University
401-500 University of Surrey 331 SOAS, University of London 301-350 Bangor University
341 City University London 301-350 University of Bath
352 Heriot-Watt University 301-350 University of Essex
355 Brunel University London 301-350 University of Stirling
370 University of Essex 351-400 Aberystwyth University
379 Oxford Brookes University 351-400 Aston University
390 Aston University 351-400 University of Hertfordshire
431-440 Birkbeck, University of London 351-400 University of Portsmouth
451-460 University of Kent
461-470 Swansea University
471-480 Bangor University

Demikian informasi tentang daftar universitas terbaik di Inggris, Eropa yang diolah dari sumber data empat organisasi pemeringkat universitas terbaik di dunia.